Friday, February 17, 2017

Open SSL KeyGen Script

create bash:

openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key.insecure
mv server.key
mv server.key.insecure server.key
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -days 65535 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
openssl x509 -in server.crt -out server.pem -outform PEM

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

SKIP RBA Oracle Goldengate for Fix Process ABEND Using LOGDUMP Untility

REPLICAT   RMEIS     Last Started 2017-01-17 09:18   Status ABENDED
Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 00:01:56 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint  File /data/ggate/dirdat/MEIS/rm000244
                     First Record  RBA 13800112

Logdump 14 >open /data/ggate/dirdat/MEIS/rm000244
Current LogTrail is /data/ggate/dirdat/MEIS/rm000244
Logdump 15 >
Logdump 15 >
Logdump 15 >
Logdump 15 >pos 13800112
Reading forward from RBA 13800112
Logdump 16 >n

2017/01/16 14:14:35.382.759 DDLOP                Len  1316 RBA 13800112
After  Image:                                             Partition 0   G  s
 2c43 353d 2734 3334 3530 3527 2c2c 4237 3d27 3433 | ,C5='434505',,B7='43
 3435 3035 272c 2c42 323d 2732 3034 3439 3827 2c2c | 4505',,B2='204498',,
 4332 313d 2727 2c2c 4233 3d27 4154 5427 2c2c 4234 | C21='',,B3='ATT',,B4
 3d27 5359 535f 494c 3030 3030 3230 3434 3938 4330 | ='SYS_IL0000204498C0
 3030 3036 2424 272c 2c43 3132 3d27 4154 5427 2c2c | 0006$$',,C12='ATT',,
 4331 333d 2744 424f 5553 4552 494e 464f 272c 2c42 | C13='DBOUSERINFO',,B
 353d 2749 4e44 4558 272c 2c42 363d 2741 4c54 4552 | 5='INDEX',,B6='ALTER

Logdump 17 >n <------ Press N for Next transaction

2017/01/16 14:14:36.382.759 DDLOP                Len  1267 RBA 13801583
After  Image:                                             Partition 0   G  s
 2c43 353d 2734 3334 3530 3927 2c2c 4237 3d27 3433 | ,C5='434509',,B7='43
 3435 3039 272c 2c42 323d 2732 3034 3439 3827 2c2c | 4509',,B2='204498',,
 4332 313d 2727 2c2c 4233 3d27 4154 5427 2c2c 4234 | C21='',,B3='ATT',,B4
 3d27 4442 4f55 5345 5249 4e46 4f27 2c2c 4331 323d | ='DBOUSERINFO',,C12=
 2727 2c2c 4331 333d 2727 2c2c 4235 3d27 5441 424c | '',,C13='',,B5='TABL
 4527 2c2c 4236 3d27 414c 5445 5227 2c2c 4238 3d27 | E',,B6='ALTER',,B8='
 4747 4154 452e 4747 535f 4444 4c5f 4849 5354 272c | GGATE.GGS_DDL_HIST',

Logdump 18 >

alter replicat Relplicate_name extseqno SEQ_File_Number, extrba NextRBN


alter replicat RMEIS extseqno 244, extrba 13801583

start replicate RMEIS

Friday, December 23, 2016

Set VMGuest Network

Get-VirtualSwitch -Name DistributedSwitch_NAME | Get-VirtualPortGroup | select name
Get-VM -name VMGuest_NAME | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "DistributedPort_NAME"

Export OVA vmware powercli

Get-VM VmGuestName  | Export-VApp -Destination "F:\path_to_file" -Format ova

Friday, December 2, 2016

VMware Powercli migrate vm ( vmotion)

Get-VM -Location source-esxi-host | Where-Object { $_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"} | Move-VM -Destination dest-esxi-host -RunAsync

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Create Custom Views using XPath on WINDOWS Event LOGs

Create Custom Views using XPath on WINDOWS Event LOGs

:example event for filter

*[System[(EventID=6278)]] and
*[EventData[Data[@Name='NASIPv4Address'] = '']] and
*[EventData[Data[@Name='NASIdentifier'] = 'FreeRadius-Profile']] and
*[EventData[Data[@Name='NASIdentifier'] = 'Captive-Portal-Profile']] and
*[EventData[Data[@Name='SubjectUserName'] ='']] and
*[EventData[Data[@Name='SubjectDomainName'] ='DomainName']] and

:Template XPath on Windows Event LOGs

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security"> <----- ( Application,Security,Setup,System, Forward Event )
        *event for filter
        *event for filter
        *event for filter

:filter by domain and LOGON Success/Fail

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">

        *[System[(EventID='6278') and (EventID='6273')]] and
        *[EventData[Data[@Name='SubjectDomainName'] ='DomainName']]


:filter by domain and username
  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    <Select Path="Security">
        *[EventData[Data[@Name='SubjectUserName'] ='']] and
        *[EventData[Data[@Name='SubjectDomainName'] ='DomainName']

Monday, November 21, 2016

Clear User Session palo alto

show user ip-user-mapping ip
clear user-cache-mp ip
clear user-cache ip


write memory copy running certified reload from working no rollback-timeout